Crafting A Compelling Business Case
Empowering legal teams and influencing stakeholders.
Crafting A Compelling Business Case
Best Practice Guide
In this comprehensive guide by Lawcadia and LEX360, you’ll discover 10 principles for crafting a compelling business case, empowering legal teams and influencing stakeholders.

Enacting change within an organisation is challenging, so it may not be surprising to hear that there is substantial evidence to assert that “more than 70% of all organisational change initiatives fail”.

This alarming statistic also aligns with The Standish Group’s 2020 CHAOS report, which estimates that only 29% of software projects are considered successful.

Fortunately, there is a plethora of research and case studies that support best practices for successful project outcomes and point to goal-setting and stakeholder buy-in as crucial. Notably, these can be achieved with the preparation of a well-drafted business case.

So, if your legal department wants to succeed with an initiative, whether that be a strategic project, sourcing technology you desperately need, garnering additional resources, or seeking investment for a panel review, then a compelling and robust business case will be required.

If you are overwhelmed by the idea of a business case and having to ‘pitch’ for what you need, then this guide is for you. We will provide tips, steps and practical examples of how to design and deliver a strong and persuasive business case and successfully engage with your stakeholders.

To continue reading this guide, download an unrestricted copy today.
Best Practice Guide Crafting a compelling business case
Business Case Savings Calculator
Supporting Your Business Case
We know first-hand that proving value when it relates to purchasing new legal technology can be time-consuming, and yet, incredibly important.

To help simplify your business case planning, we have created a handy calculator to quantify the savings in the following key areas:
Matter intake
Email and document management
Document automation
Matter management
Invoice review